Get Involved

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1) Donate to Batay Ouvriye

The Rapid Response Network facilitates donations to Batay Ouvriye. 100% of your donation will go to Batay Ouvriye to help support workers and peasants as they fight to continue their work in the face of chaos including increased gang violence, political instability following the assassination of corrupt president Jovenel Moise, and land grabbing from peasants.

The RRN is not a 501(c)3, so your donation is not tax deductible, but it will go a very long way to support these vulnerable workers in their organizing efforts.

2) Sign up for RRN Updates

Since 2012, Rapid Response Network has been a pipeline to share news of the struggles in Haiti with people who care. Updates on campaigns, calls for solidarity, and news of Batay Ouvriye are shared here.




3) Sign up for Batay La updates and newsletter emails here.

Find out about screenings, events and workshops. Consider hosting one in your own community!

4) Read more about Batay Ouvriye


5) Educate yourself about imperialism in Haiti:

The Dominion Media Co-op: “Made in Haiti, Dumped in Haiti”

The Nation: “WikiLeaks Haiti: Let Them Live on $3 a Day” “Why Has Haiti Risen Again?”

New York Times: “Earthquake Relief Where Haiti Wasn’t Broken”

6) Find ways to support workers in your own community

We do not know of a directory of organizations but we know how to find them in our own communities. Find your local info-shop, radical bookstore or coffee shop, look for flyers. Consider starting your own workers rights organization!